How do you get such sharp images?

April 11, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

We get asked by a lot of people how we manage to capture the sharpness and detail that we do in our images.  Well to answer that there are a lot of things that go into producing sharp, high detailed images.


Having a good camera and lens combo that works for what you are looking to capture is the first thing you need to start making a good image.  Not everyone is after the same subject matter.   We tend to do a lot of wildlife photography but we also do some portrait work as well.  Two totally different animals (no pun intended) from the standpoint of the gear we would select to do the job.  Learn what you like to capture and buy the gear that works for both you and your budget.  I would highly recommend investing into better lenses if you already have a camera body that seemingly works for you until your budget allows an upgrade if need be.  A wise investment in glass will outlive many camera bodies that you have over the years to come helping you to produce the best quality images you can with the combination you have.

Great wildlife lens for those on a little bigger budget
(Canon EF 100-400mm II f/4.5-5.6 L IS)

Canon EF 100-400mm II f/4.5-5.6 L ISCanon EF 100-400mm II f/4.5-5.6 L IS


Great all-around portrait lens for those on a little bigger budget
(Canon EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II)

Canon EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS IICanon EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II



You need opportunity, and that is sometimes the hardest part.  With wildlife you've got to be out there to capture images when that special moment takes place because it doesn't just happen when you show up.  You've got to put your time in to get the shot!  Wildlife photography is some of the most difficult, yet rewarding photography there is.  You just never know when you may have the chance to "get the shot".  With portrait photography, learning how to work with people and getting the pose is the hardest part.  There is a lot of variety in how you go about doing photography in many of the different areas so find what you like to shoot and you'll begin to find what works best for you.


Florida Getaway 2016-054Florida Getaway 2016-054



You need light!  No, I don't mean you need to take along your studio lighting gear on your safari, although there may be a time and place for that as well. What you do need, however, is mother nature to provide you with good light to give your subjects a dimensional look.  Without good lighting your subject will look dull and lifeless so learn to work with the light that have.  In studio or on location with portrait work you can control the light and this makes all the difference in the images.  For us, lighting is the largest factor in what kind of images we are able to produce.


                                                      Canon 600EX-RT Speedlites w/ ControllerCanon 600EX-RT Speedlites w/ Controller              Einstein 640ws StrobesEinstein 640ws Strobes

Many beginning photographers don't realize the importance of each of these things. Get yourself a decent camera and lens, get out in the field and learn to work with the gear and lighting you are given, as they will be the stepping stones to the next level in your photography.  And most importantly... get out there and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!


And remember... 
Life is short... so go make some images to remember the journey along the way!


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